Pastor Appreciation Candygram

by Linda

Pastor Appreciation Candygram Gift Idea

Pastor Appreciation Candygram Gift Idea

Helping Our Pastor Keep Sweet!

The idea of presenting a candygrams to our pastor made for a lot of fun for our church.

Steps In Making Our Candygram:

To pull this off you will need to be strategic in your process.

  • Brainstorm what you want to say with various candy bars to come up with an original message.

  • Purchase the candy and then combine your message and candy bars on poster board. Have various colored markers to write out your masterpiece.

  • Another approach would be to have church members give the candy and then come up with your message based on the various name brands of candy bar.

Variations of the Candygram Theme

You could come up with several candygrams using this method if you received a lot of different candy bars.

  • Present your candygrams over several weeks during Pastor Appreciation Month (or do one each month of the year).

  • Give a different candygram to the pastor's family members tailored to each personality.

Candygram Wrap-up

In our case we remembered him with something special every weekend in October.

We culminated our appreciation activities with a big potluck dinner on the last weekend in October where we presented our spiritual shepherd with a gift card to his favorite store.

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