The Value Of Gold

by Trish Mingle
(Marion, NC)

Gold Is More Valuable On Sundays

We receive "golden nuggets" from our pastor each time he preaches.

These of course aren't real nuggets, but things we have learned from his sermons so the value of our gold increases over time.

How To Increase The Value Of Your Gold

I always take notes when my pastor is preaching and I have quite a collection of gold, that is, several notebooks filled with his sermons.

I went through them and listed as many "golden nuggets" as I could. Here is what I had collected in my stash of golden nuggets:

Sometimes, they were inspirational thoughts or sometimes just things he always said from the pulpit like---"You can't straddle the fence."

I also had others write things that they considered "golden nuggets" like: "Thank you pastor for coming and sitting with my family when I had surgery."

Our Pot Of Gold Celebration

I wrote each thought on a golden colored piece of paper that was shaped like golden nuggets.

At our pastor appreciation celebration I passed out the nuggets of gold. We took turns reading these golden nuggets of truth out loud, so our pastor could hear how his ministry has blessed those he serves.

After each person read them we placed them in a big black pot. (Like you would use for a pot of gold)

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