Do's & Don'ts for Expressing Pastor Appreciation

Pastor Appreciation Do’s And Don’ts

DO — Tell your Pastor how very much you appreciate them and their families
DON’T — Tell them how much you enjoyed the speaker that replaced them last Sunday

DO — Give them a hug
DON’T — Give them a hug if you have a contagious cold, a festering wound, or mad cow disease

DO — Shake their hands
DON’T — Shake their hands with one of those metal zappy things or after changing a diaper

DO — Take them to dinner and ask what you can do to help carry their load
DON’T — Take them to dinner and stick them with the check

DO — Give them a card and a gift certificate
DON’T — Give them a card and one-way tickets to Boise, Idaho for the annual potato festival (unless they REALLY want to go)

DO — Send them a heartfelt or humorous e-card
DON’T — Send them a forwarded e-mail that promises them good luck in the future if they send it to ten people within the next ten minutes....or anything that has to do with the Taco Bell dog

DO — Send them a personal letter telling them how they have been an inspiration to you
DON’T — Send them a letter highlighting the grammatical errors in their latest sermons

DO — Cook them a meal or treat and deliver it to their home with a smile
DON’T — Cook them a meal or treat and deliver it to their home expecting to be invited in and proceed to spend the remainder of the evening with them

DO — Offer to do a household chore for them, such as: mowing, raking, or repair
DON’T — Surprise them with a do-it-yourself home makeover that involves paneling, liquid nails and a lot of feathers

DO — Give them a card with some cash
DON’T — Give them a card with a scratch and win lottery ticket

DO — Go up to them and tell them what a GREAT job they are doing!
DON’T — Go up to them and tell them what you did on your summer vacation, complete with scrapbook, souvenirs and slide show

If you truly appreciate your pastor:
DO — Take the time to do something,

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