Dinner for two....alone!

by Jeanne B
(Shelton, WA)

Too Busy For Dinner

Our pastor and spouse are so busy on Wednesday nights that they often do not eat dinner until afterwards.

So the Wednesday night adult class cleared all of the chairs out of our sanctuary and placed a small table in the middle with two chairs.

We had someone bring their finest china, and set the table up beautifully. We also played relaxing soft music in the background that set the mood for a relaxing homemade dinner that was cooking in the oven.

When Wednesday night church activities were done, we invited them over and walked them in to be seated. They were shocked. We served them salad and then dinner and left with instructions that we would be back the next day to clean up. We left dessert on the table for them also.

We gave them STRICT orders to not answer their cell phones and to just enjoy the evening and know how much they are loved and appreciated. After dinner they were to exchange gifts that were prepared for them to give each other.

When I left, they were smiling and felt very loved and appreciated. It was a very special evening for them and they still talk about it.

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