Digital Cameras Or Smart Phones To Make A Tribute DVD

by Rai
(Bronx N.Y.)

Digital Cameras and Presentation Software To Make A Tribute DVD

You can make a Tribute DVD for your pastor.

After all, digital cameras make this task easy, combined with software programs many of us already have on our computers. Include any pictures of the pastor that you take in church services and events such as church outings.

You can also include a voice-over with someone reading a poem as the pictures flash by on the screen. You can play around with different texts and fonts to make it more decorative.

Then burn a copy of the Pastor Appreciation DVD for your pastor and for the church. This special tribute DVD can be shown whenever you have guests to show how much the congregation appreciates your pastor.

We're doing this same idea to honor our youth minister. We're going to have the children of the youth ministry let the youth minister know how much he means to them and the church. Then we're going to include a special tribute to him at the end.

Digital Cameras and Smart Phones Make This Possible

If you do not have the skills or equipment, many do. Employ the skills of those who are computer techies, letting them use those skills to honor the pastor.

Find someone in the congregation who is adept at graphic arts, photography, making presentations, and commission them to do this task.

Digital cameras and now Smart Phones can make this project a reality. You probably have everything you need right on your new Smart Phone or digital camera.

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